Big Marketing
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Omnichannel Marketing – Go Big or Go Home

Relevant, engaging content continues to be a key component of a business marketing plan. And as most companies quickly learn, adopting a ‘content first’ marketing strategy can have its budget limitations. What successful content marketers learn is that most content can (and should) be created to be ‘evergreen’… meaning, the content should have value to…

local search
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Local Search is Key to Your SEO Strategies

Often, the internet represents a connection to the world for many people. Suddenly, you can reach (and possibly sell to) people on the other side of the globe! The truth of the matter though is that many online searches are focused on localized goods and services. Many searches include the phrase “… near me”,…

content marketing
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Improve Website SEO Using These THREE Principles

Content is Even More Critical to Improve Website SEO Ranking Google continues to emphasize that content quality is critical for boosting website SEO ranking. Ignore their warning at your own online peril. But just what does “quality” mean to Google? Is it the length of the content? Is the number of keywords embedded in the article?…

email marketing

Your Competitor’s Marketing Emails are ‘Eating Your Lunch’ – And Here’s Why

In 2020, email marketing is still the most effective method of attracting and retaining customers. And the businesses that are still implementing solid strategies for marketing emails are seeing upwards of 4400% ROI! That translates into earnings of $44 for every dollar spent on email campaigns. The results are obvious for what marketing emails can…

Content Marketing
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Content Marketing: 5 Question All Business Asks

Is Content Marketing worth the investment? Content marketing budgets vary, but it is not uncommon to see companies spend between $5,000 and $50,000 per year on this marketing tactic. The spend amount varies by size of company and what the actual goals for the program are. These companies are obviously seeing a return on their…

social media platform

Which Social Media Platform is Right for Your Business

A big mistake that small to medium sized businesses make when launching a social media program is to try to be in every major social media platform. Some of those channels include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and LinkedIn. There are two major reasons for not trying this approach – FIRST, it takes major resources (i.e. –…