5 Website Design Tips for Small Businesses
As a small business owner, you are often tasked with managing everything about the business. You are the CEO, the marketing team, and even the janitor.
In the small business world we now live it, it’s easy to get lost in all of the different things you have to do.
One of those areas that may be getting overlooked is your online marketing – specifically your website design.
The following are some recommendations that you should consider regarding your business website design.
Create a mobile-friendly website design
Mobile devices are the most common way to access the internet, so it’s important that your website design make it easy for them to access it. You may think this only affects younger people, but seniors are also increasingly relying on mobile devices to get online.
So how do you ensure your website design looks good and functions well on mobile? First of all, avoid using Flash – this can make your site hard to navigate on a phone or tablet. Instead, opt for HTML5 and CSS3 as these have native support for touchscreens and modern browsers like Safari and Chrome will be able to render them more easily than Flash-based sites.
To check whether your website design is mobile-friendly or not, use Google’s free PageSpeed Insights tool. The tool analyzes sites based on their load speed as well as how they perform across different devices like smartphones and tablets (you can also sign up for notifications when Google detects changes in ranking).
If there’s room for improvement here then consider hiring a website design company who specializes in creating websites optimized for handheld devices such as iPhones!
Be SEO friendly
If you’re looking to get more visitors to your website, it’s important that your content is search engine-friendly. The best way to do this is by writing posts that are easy for people and robots alike to read. This can be achieved by using headings, bullet points and subheadings throughout your post.
“Write for humans first,” is the mantra of SEO experts and content marketers. Make sure that the words flow easily – don’t overdo punctuation. And don’t overuse your target keyword. Consider Semantic keywords as you write your content. These semantic keywords are related to the target keyword, so that they provide the search engine bots to get a better insight into the topic that the content is focusing on.
Make sure your website is up to date
Your website is only as good as the information it contains. You should regularly make sure that your website is up to date with new information, especially if you have made any changes or updates to your product or service offerings.
Make sure that your website content stays relevant and current by updating it with fresh material on a regular basis. You can do this by creating informative blog posts, adding new pages to your site, or posting announcements about special offers. Remember that you will also need to ensure the contact details for the business are up-to-date and accurate on all websites where they appear (including Google Search Console).
Have clear and concise content
87% of marketers use content to guide their prospects through different stages of the buyer journey. They leverage different content formats for each stage of the journey, from brand awareness to purchase decisions.
Based on this strategy, content should be written to appeal to your business audience at all stages of the engagement funnel — or ‘buyer journey’. Keep the following in mind –
- Consider where your audience is in their journey anad what their intent is. Are they just getting educated on the topic? Or are they trying to buy?
- Use a clear structure and layout. A website should have a logical flow and easy-to-navigate structure. The information should be organized so that it’s easy for users to browse through the site, find what they’re looking for, and then move on when they’re done.
- Use the right keywords. Keywords are the words people use when searching online, so having your most important ones incorporated into your content will help you show up in search results when someone is looking for what you offer.
- Use the right tone. You want to make sure that your site isn’t too formal or casual; somewhere in between is best so that it appeals to as many people as possible without turning off anyone who might visit because of how boring it seems!

Use the benefits of social media
Social media is a great tool for small businesses, and here are three ways it can be used to your advantage:
- Promote your product or service. When you advertise on social media, you’re reaching out to people who already know and trust you. You can use this to build brand recognition and increase sales.
- Engage with customers on a personal level. Social media gives you the opportunity to directly interact with potential customers and answer their questions about your business before they even have them! This will help build loyalty in them because they feel like they’re getting special treatment from someone who cares about what they have to say.
- Provide valuable information through blogs and other online content that shows off the expert knowledge that makes your business unique or helps solve common problems that people face daily — those types of posts are always appreciated by readers looking for solutions!
Your website has a lot of opportunities to generate leads and provide information to your visitors.
Your website is an essential part of your business. It’s the first impression people get of your business, so the website design needs to be professional and trustworthy. Whether you have a small startup or a large corporation, the right-sized site will provide information about your products and services while also promoting them.
Your website can serve many purposes:
- Inform potential customers about what you do and how you do it
- Give visitors an easy way to contact you for more information
- Provide details about special offers or discounts on products/services
One of the most important things to remember is that your website can be an extension of your brand. It’s not just something you use as a simple sales tool; it should be a reflection of who you are and what your customers want from you. By taking these website design recommendations into consideration when designing or redesigning your website, you’ll be sure to maximize its potential for success!